Index of /Andrej Ciho/Old Blog/WordPress

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Permalink to WordPress plugin: Primary Term WordPress plugin: Primary Term 2014-08-21 13:01 0

WordPress plugin that allows post authors to select a primary term for a post.

Permalink to Referential Integrity with ACF’s post object relational field Referential Integrity with ACF’s post object relational field 2014-05-15 12:18 0

How to add referential integrity checks to the relational post object fields of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin in Wordpress

Permalink to Relevanssi and PDF search Relevanssi and PDF search 2014-05-07 14:16 2

Make Relevanssi search content of PDFs

Permalink to Debugging a live WordPress site using WP_DEBUG Debugging a live WordPress site using WP_DEBUG 2012-01-26 20:39 0

Enable WP_DEBUG messages just for YOU, but nobody else

Permalink to Relative Bookmarks for WordPress Admin Pages Relative Bookmarks for WordPress Admin Pages 2009-08-19 10:22 0

Get around wordpress admin menus quickly – on any wordpress blog

Permalink to WordPress (or any CMS) to html files WordPress (or any CMS) to html files 2007-06-18 20:37 0

Can you host a website made in WordPress on IIS? Or one made in DotNetNuke on Apache? Sort of.

This website is powered by WordPress, using the IndexOf theme.